
Welcome to the Keeping Balance At Hand Podcast!

I am really excited to share with you the Keeping Balance At Hand Podcast, where I explore the key foundations of Purpose, Productivity and Preparedness – the three P’s. When these 3P’s are all in harmony you achieve balance, you have hit your sweet spot where you can really thrive!

Episode 8 - Design Your Future with Ellen Hooper 

 Episode 7 - Eat Your Frogs: A Productivity Technique

 Episode 6 - Progressing Your Health Journey with Ros Lindsey


 Episode 5 - The Declutter Challenge

 Episode 4 - Every Action Matters

 Episode 3 - Planning Your Rests

 Episode 2 - Living Your Dream Life with Kristina Karlsson

Episode 1 - The Balance At Hand Blueprint

I am really excited to share with you the Keeping Balance At Hand Podcast, where I explore the key foundations of Purpose, Productivity and Preparedness – the three P’s. When these 3P’s are all in harmony you achieve balance, you have hit your sweet spot where you can really thrive!

The creation of Balance At Hand was fuelled by my own personal journey of discovery, trials and many errors. I learnt the key techniques and tips I needed to have at hand to implement to restore my balance.  

I am now so excited to share my learnings with you – in hope that in doing so it places people who need it onto a positive trajectory and steers them clear of some of the harder experiences I have gone through.  

Key takeaways from this introductory episode:

  • The 3P’s are like a journey. Purpose is your destination; Productivity is the vehicle you will use to get there and Preparedness is what you pack to take with you. If you don’t have all three of these on your journey then you are not going far. Having all 3P’s working for you is where the magic is and where your adventure really starts!
  • Take time for yourself to ask the big questions for each of these areas and see how confident you are in these foundational areas. It’s never ever too late to implement changes in your life.
  • Defining your purpose in life is a very personal process, however is critical to enable you to consciously making decisions to create your future.