Welcome to Balance at Hand

Balance At Hand is your ultimate blueprint for living your best and most balanced life. 

Our vision is to empower individuals with the foundations of purpose, productivity, and preparedness, enabling them to cultivate balance and embark on a journey towards becoming their best selves. 

By fostering self-awareness through a growth mindset, we aim to inspire individuals to unlock their full potential, leading fulfilling lives aligned with their aspirations and values. 

Balance At Hand draws upon proven strategies, insightful tools, and conversations with experts to help you pinpoint areas of imbalance and chart a course towards your transformation.

At Balance at Hand, we recognise that achieving balance is not a one-size-fits-all endeavour. That's why our approach supports you discovering your target growth areas within the foundations of Purpose, Productivity or Preparedness.  

To achieve our vision, Balance At Hand offer a range of products and services designed to streamline daily routines and enhance productivity, coupled with a podcast delivering expert guests, information and practical tips to empower individuals in their pursuit of achieving Balance At Hand. 

The Balance At Hand Blueprint

Balance At Hand is achieved at the heart of the three P’s - Purpose, Productivity and Preparedness. 

Many of us are great at one or two of the foundation areas, however living on a shoulder space between two of the P’s can leave us directionless and failing to achieve our goal in life. 

When you develop across all three P’s you find yourself in that sweet spot in the centre achieving Balance At Hand - and in doing this you will unlock your ability to thrive!

The Three P's




Looking at each of the three P’s in more detail.


Your purpose is the driving force behind you being uniquely you. 

Key topics to investigate for yourself within this area are:

  • Have you defined your desired legacy?
  • Have you established your 10 life goals?
  • Do you have a 5 year plan?


Your positive productivity is defined by regularly achieving key actions and activities as set by yourself to reach your desired goals. Daily actions that are taking you towards your goals or away from them. 

Key topics to investigate for yourself within this area are:

  • Do you set goals each day?
  • Have you established a short term plan?
  • Are you organised or chaotic?


Preparedness relates to your ability to withstand the unexpected.

Key topics to investigate for yourself within this area are:

  • Health - are you moving, fuelled correctly, and enhancing your emotional and social wellbeing?
  • Sanctuary - are your home and work spaces environments you like to be in?
  • Personal readiness - is all of your critical information at hand and do you have finances set aside for emergencies?

Your best balanced life awaits – let's embark on this transformative adventure together!